Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and US Territories

If you are located in Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, or other US Territories please place your order below. The most cost effective way to get you our products is to ship flat rate through the US Postal Service. Please provide your name, company name (if applicable), address, phone number, email address, and products you would like to order. We will charge the credit card you have on file with us. If you need to update your credit card information or if it is you first time ordering with us, please give us a call at 847-674-9141. Thank you!

Listed below are the box sizes and rates.

Small Flat Rate Box (8 11/16″ L x 5 7/16″ W x 1 3/4″ H) = $10.45 per box (Essential Oils Only)

Medium Flat Rate Box (11 1/4″ L x 8 3/4″ W x 6″ H) = $17.10 per box (1 gallon fits)

Large Flat Rate Box (12 1/4″ L x 12″ W x 6″ H) = $22.50 per box (2 gallons fit)